Meet The Team

Keith Chimuzinga
CEO: Founder and Chairperson
The Founder and the President, Keith is one of the brains behind the power house and is enthusiastic about the fight of HIV and AIDS. He brings his years of HIV experience, knowledge and skills to the forefront in helping the organization to succeed in its vision, mission and objectives. His vision is to see everyone having HIV knowledge and given power to make decisions.

Beauty Primrose Masinga
Executive Director - Secretary and Treasurer
With us since our founding, Beauty is one of our enthusiasm team members. She brings her years of secretarial and financial experience and knowledge to the forefront in helping the organization to grow and succeed.

Mokgadi Sharlote Selomo
Executive Director
With us since our founding, Mokgadi is one of our enthusiasm team members. She brings her years of HIV experience and knowledge to the forefront in helping the organization to grow and succeed.

Lulama Ngoqo
Executive Director
With us since our founding, Lulama is one of our enthusiasm team members. She brings her years of HIV experience and knowledge to the forefront in helping the organization to grow and succeed.