Our Mission, Our Vision, Our Values, Our Objectives

Our Mission:
Show Your Support
HIV/AIDS: KiP works to reduce new HIV infections, end epidemics and promotes the independence, dignity, health and well-being of people living with HIV and AIDS and those at increased risk of HIV.
We are committed to eliminate new infections, improving the health and well-being of persons living with HIV, AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases and viral hepatitis, co-infections and co-morbidites, and improving LGBT and drug user health, and health to all.

Our Vision:
Make A True Change
A Community where there are no new HIV infections, and the people and communities living with or most affected by HIV and AIDS live long and healthy lives free from stigma and discrimination.

Our Core Values:
Help Us Soar
Respect: We treat all individuals with dignity, respect and compassion.
Partnership: We value community input and collaboration with federal, state, local and community partners.
Leadership: We embrace, empower and drive change.
Innovation: We foster creative approaches to carrying out our mission.
Stewardship: We strive to be creative and resourceful in planning, developing and delivering high quality services to impacted communities.
An Organization formed with a Fundamental Goals:
To provide care to HIV/AIDS infected patients and engage the community in educational and training activities,
To increase awareness and stop the spread of HIV/AIDS,
To reduce the new epidemics of HIV, STIs and TB infections,
To address the social and structural drivers of HIV, remove the barriers to the realization of sexual and reproductive health rights (SRHR)
To build resilient communities in South Africa and within Southern African region.
To ensure that 90/90/90 is reached by encouraging the community members at large to participate in HIV/AIDS preventive measures.
Establishment of surveillance.
To Reduce Stigma and discrimination.
Provide training to Health Staff and the community.
Research and Behavioral studies
Development of Programme Management.
Create an enabling environment
Build the right capacity.
Strengthen the institutional framework